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Do something fun or adventurous or silly to raise money. Join with colleagues or do it on your own. Here’s how!

Why we need you!

Everyone needs a friend when times get tough. That’s exactly who we are for civil servants. We need to be because right now civil servants are facing more challenges than ever. There’s more pressure on their services. There’s a downturn in mental health.

Last year we helped civil servants almost 73,000 times. That’s all thanks to the amazing generosity of people like you!

Thank you card
Group walking
Do your own thing

We’re bursting with fun fundraising ideas! Whatever you want to do, we’ll support you all the way. You’ll find all you need here.

Group cycling

Run, cycle or walk to raise money. Find an organised event to join, sign up, start your training and fundraising.

Download your fundraising toolkit

Everything you need to make your fundraising activity go with a bang!

Mega Miles Challenge

How your support could help

£75 could pay for the extra travel costs of visiting a partner or child in hospital.

£100 could fund a couple’s counselling session when they feel there are no more options.

£250 could help someone who has fled domestic abuse with the basics to start up again.

Showing resilience
Colin’s story
I’m pledging a gift in my Will because I’m a civil servant. It’s as simple as that.
Colin's legacy story

Get in touch

Tell us what you are doing so we can support and celebrate you. We could feature you in our next newsletter or on our Facebook page.

If you have any questions, or need help, just drop us a line.

You can email us at or give us a call on 0800 056 2424.


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